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Cuckold Feast 2023 and Rola Festival. The craziest celebration

Cuckold Feast

WHERE: Rocca Canterano, Italy
WHEN: 11 – 12 November 2023

Cuckolds from all over the world: unite. Has your wife betrayed you? Maybe more than once? Have you surprised her, intent on getting her spinning instructor to get fit? Or, maybe, to gargle with the singing teacher? Don’t despair. November is your month. November is the month in which you will no longer be ashamed to have been betrayed. There is always time.
And if he had not yet betrayed you, insist that he do so before this fateful month. He could fuck your neighbor, your best friend, the first one that happens and … even your cat.
Get out of hibernation; wear a nice pair of horns and head to Rocca Canterano, a small town in the province of Rome to celebrate the Rola Festival. The event is better known as the Cuckold Feast.

It is a goliardic kermesse, truly incredible and one of a kind.

AT THE ROCCA, WELCOME YOU, GREAT CUCKOLDS. The slogan, at the entrance to the town, is unequivocal as to what awaits you at the cuckold feast.
The protagonists are the horned ones, who will parade through the streets, wearing a habit, and on their heads, horns two meters high. And what kind of party would it be without the main guest? Before the procession of the Cuckold Feast, you will see the cuckold of the year slip by! These will be chosen after a careful and careful selection, among an endless list of candidates. He will march on the throne, holding new wine. To him, a poet on the back of a donkey, he will dedicate poetry!

Rocca Canterano Cuckold Feast

Obviously, being cuckolds, it is quite easy for the spouses to have a free house, take advantage of it to revel. Try not to put too much meat to cook.

The Cuckold Feast is, however, a good opportunity to have fun, drink and eat. At the festival, you can enjoy all the traditional Ciociara specialties and local products: beans with pork rind; sausages with potatoes; skewers. And, of course, the inevitable role, namely, roasted chestnuts. On Sundays, for lunch, the inimitable “cecamariti” await you. All accompanied by excellent new wine.



Rocca Canterano is a small town located about 60 km from Rome. From the capital, you reach the small village by car, with the A24/E80 direction L’Aquila, and continuing along the 33rd provincial road. Then turn onto the SP47 in the direction of Rocca.

Anyone wishing to use public transport will have to take into account… biblical times! In fact, it takes over 2 and a half hours to get to Rocca Canterano from Rome, using at least 3 different means of transport. You must first use the bus that connects Rome/Ponte Mammolo to Subiaco and then the Subiaco-Rocca Canterano bus.


The Sagra della Rola will take place during the second weekend of November. Here, below, is what the program for the two days should be:

  • Saturday 11, opening of the stands at 17:00. Appointment through the streets of the town with the burlesque procession, at 19:00.
  • Sunday 12, the stands will open at 12 noon and the parade is scheduled at 5pm.

Pinch. Taranta and Tarantella. Tammuriata. And, lots of popular music. It will be a local group to entertain the spectators. Entertainment guaranteed


The Rola festival is the right occasion to visit one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Just in Rome, you will be spoiled for choice in terms of accommodation offer. Through this link, you can take advantage of the best offers to sleep in the Capital.

*All the contents are purely indicative. Before taking part in the event, please consult the official website.


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