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Parc de Guinardo. Most beautiful parks in Barcelona. Horta itinerary

Parc de Guinardo

You can’t help but love Barcelona. Beautiful, pleasant, fun by day. Stunning in the evening, especially for three friends. Don’t get me wrong: even for a couple it’s really the best.

For the third day in a row, I didn’t sleep a wink, or almost. Paco and Cleo, my friends, I think they did the same. Last night, then …

Penelope, a beautiful Spaniard we met a few days ago (or was it yesterday?), Invited us last night to “tomar una copas”. Well, other than copas. We started drinking white wine in Barceloneta, in front of a lousy paella, and then we found ourselves dancing at the CDLC. According to many, the Club is one of the most exclusive places in the Catalan nightlife: I honestly didn’t find it so exceptional.

The beach has become our “high street”: Paco rolled the joint with the weed bought by X (a dear Italian friend of ours, who emigrated to Barcelona about 4 years ago: he made great fortune growing marijuana seedlings on a terrace -garden. He asked to remain anonymous), while Penelope and I got into it with Licor 43. You really have to try it: despite being a little sweet, it has a warm, strong, intense flavor. Paco, a lover of plus sizes, found inspiration in Juno (!!) Michelle, Franco-Belgian who shares an apartment with Penelope ……. [THE STORY CONTINUES THEN IN ANOTHER LOCATION] ……

Today we have an appointment with Penelope and her friends; they said they will guide us around the city, discovering the “MOST BEAUTIFUL PLACE IN ALL OF BARCELONA AND THAT YOU WILL DEFINITELY NOT HAVE SEEN“.

“I do not believe. By now we know it like the back of our hand ”I replied.

We took the subway, yellow line, and got off at the Guinardo stop, then we continued on Carrer Telegraf and took the elevators. We have thus arrived at the Parc de Guinardó.

Parc De Guinardo Barcelona

Photo ©, Antonio Tajuelo

“It is not a tourist park. Few venture here, but I think it’s worth it” our beautiful escort told us. Of course, getting to the top (the so-called Mirador) of the Parc de Guinardo could be quite tiring for some: you need a bit of an adventurous spirit, let yourself get lost in the green vegetation and continue climbing up to the Belvedere, but, as pointed out by Penelope , it’s really worth it. From here, the view over the city is even greater than that of Parc Güell. The best panorama in all of Barcelona: the Sagrada Familia, the Agbar Tower, the skyscrapers of the Olympic Villa, the World Trade Center, Montjuic, and the sea. This, and more, you can see from here. Of course, if I had to give you some advice, go there before it gets dark and when there is little wind. You find it open all day and admission is free !!



The park is perfectly accessible by public transport. To reach the Panoramic Terrace, take the Metro Line 4 (Yellow) and get off at the Guinardo / Hospital de Sant Pau stop. Walk for about 20 minutes on foot (uphill) on Carrer de Genova and arrive at the Mirador del Parc de Guinardo.

The area is also served by the 114 Bus line (Gràcia / Can Baró) running from 07:00 to 21:00. the bus stops right in Genoa, near the Mirador.

On the opposite side of the park (Mühlberg and Caró della Rovira) bus lines 22, 119, N4, N5 operate.


It is a series of itineraries to discover the riches of this suggestive District. Specifically, there are 10 different routes linked to historical, landscape or ethnographic aspects. Each route focuses on a specific area of ​​Horta-Guinardó.

Route 1 (Guinardó) starts from the famous sculpture El Nen de la Rutlla by Joaquim Ros i Bofarull and winds along Plaça Catalana, Torre dels Pardals, the Torrente de Guineu, up to Mas Guinardó.
Route 2 (El Parc de Guinardo) leads from Plaça del Nen de la Rutlla to Escola de Mar.
The Montbau itinerary, on the other hand, crosses the district of the same name. Walking through the remains of ancient countryside, woods, stately gardens and a whole area of ​​houses built in the early sixties of the twentieth century.
With the last route (Els Tres Turons) you will be able to contemplate Barcelona from above through an itinerary for a panoramic and historical tour through the Tres Turons. The area is between the current districts of Gràcia (el Coll) and Horta-Guinardó. Among other things, you can admire the Pont de Mühlberg, the metal walkway that leads to the old air-raid shelter.


The entire green area is always accessible every day of the year, from Monday to Sunday.

You don’t need to buy a ticket to enter. Admission is free.

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