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Weekend in Valletta. What to do & see. Best places, monuments, museum

Weekend in Valletta

The beautiful St. John’s Co-Cathedral, with the wonderful paintings by Caravaggio. The evocative Barrakka Gardens. The St George Square, with the Palace of the Grand Master… truly unique places, not to be missed during a trip to one day in the capital.
With more time available, attractions are certainly not lacking. Maybe, since you can count on a whole weekend in Valletta.


Bormla, Birgu e Isla, or the Three Cities, represent areas that are truly fascinating, suggestive, and rich in history. Easily accessible by ferry. The departure is located near the Upper Barakka gardens. From this link, all the info and the practical guide on what to do and see in the Three cities.
Always by ferry, you can reach, alternatively, Sliema. Buses also operate in this area, north of Valletta. In Sliema you will find numerous hotels, facilities, bars, restaurants, shopping areas. You can admire the Independence Gardens, or the Balluta Bay Church. However, it is difficult to visit it together with the Three Cities.


Photo ©, Hamelin de Guettelet

On holiday during a weekend in Valletta, do not miss the visit of Archaeological Museum, a few minutes before the Co-Cathedral.
Located in Republic St, the National Archaeological Museum is housed in a charming, richly decorated, 16th century Baroque building. Beautiful and interesting, it houses prehistoric artifacts, weapons and sculptures, from the Neolithic to the Phoenician era. Horus and Anobis, and La Venere di Malta, are some of the museum’s precious artifacts.
Excellent exhibitions, with an extraordinary numismatic collection on the upper floor.
A truly appreciable museum, which highlights the archaeological sites of Malta.
Open every day, from January to September, from 09:00 to 17:00. From October to December, from 09:00 to 18:00.
The full-fare ticket costs €5.00; students, over 60 and boys from 12 to 17 years, pay 3.50€. Free per child up to 5 years.

MUZA Valletta

Photo ©, Jean-Pierre Dalbéra

At a short distance, a Merchant Street, the MUZA it is an interesting modern museum, housed in the headquarters of the Knights of the Order of St. John.
A museum of visual arts, grouped into four different thematic areas: Mediterranean, Europe, Empire and Artist.
The MUZA project was established following the recognition of European Capital of Culture.
The Guardian pointed him out, in the 2018, as one of the 13 museums not to be missed, from all over Europe.
Open every day, from Monday to Sunday, from 09:00 to 17:00.
The ticket costs €7.00 for adults, and 5.50€ reduced.

A place so rich in art and history, concentrated in a few square kilometers, will certainly make all the enthusiasts happy.

Soon after, Palace Armory represents another noteworthy place during the weekend in Valletta.

A truly valuable historical museum, where you can admire numerous firearms, and artillery pieces used during battles on fortifications. A unique exhibition, with armor owned by the Grand Masters Alof de Wignacourt and Jean de La Valette. And, again, weapons and armor used by the Knights of St. John between the 1530 and the 1798 and from the Ottoman Empire during the Great Siege of 1565.
Open every day, from Monday to Sunday, from 09:00 to 17:00.
The ticket costs €6.00 for adults, and 4.50€ reduced.
You can also buy the cumulative ticket, with entry to the State Palace, at the cost of 10€.

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