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Getting to the Bear Park, in Flå, Norway, by car and train. Bjorneparken

Getting to the Bear Park

Inaugurated in 1997, the Bear Park is located in Flå, a small Norwegian town of just 1000 souls, about a hundred kilometers from the capital.

Precisely in this small place, in 1972, the Vassfaret Bjørnepark was established, a wonderful zoological and wildlife garden, today among the most popular in the country.

Reaching the park is not difficult at all, especially coming from the capital or from Bergen. The city, in fact, is crossed by the renowned Bergensbana, one of the best known and most evocative railway lines in the country.

Getting to the Bear Park en Flå

Photo ©, Jechstra

Here, below, all the information to get to the Vassfaret Bear Park.


From Oslo, the route runs mainly on the E16. A total of about 118km, with an average travel time of about two hours. A toll fee of around €10 is required.
Bergen is much farther away which, on the other hand, is almost 350 kilometers away. In this case, you have to take into account at least 6 hours of travel, and about €23 for the toll.
From Trondheim to the north, there are more than 500 kilometers!


Flå is one of the 22 stops on the Bergen Railway, considered one of the most beautiful and fascinating in the world.
The Railway connects Bergen with Oslo, the eastern and western part of the country.
The train, in this case, is an excellent solution coming from Bergen, Oslo, and other destinations touched by Bergsbanen.
You can make yourself comfortable, glued to the window, admiring the wonders of nature, before getting to the Bear Park in Flå.
Obviously, try to book the first ride in the morning, so as not to arrive too late, and maybe return during the day, if you don’t want to stay in Flå.

From Oslo, the first train leaves at 08:25. From Bergen, at 07:57.
From Trondheim, Stavanger and other destinations, you will always have to make at least one change, usually in Oslo.

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