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Cavo Paradiso in Mykonos. Discover the top club in the greek island

Cavo Paradiso

You say Mykonos and you think … fun. It could not be otherwise. As beautiful, magical and suggestive as it may be, there is no doubt that to attract more, is its wild nightlife. And what’s better than the splendid Cavo Paradiso?

In a truly unique and incredible setting, nestled among the rocks, Cavo Paradiso rises up on a rocky wall overlooking the Aegean Sea. Located near the beautiful and vibrant Paradise Beach, this club is now considered one of the best in the world. A real … Mediterranean paradise!

DJmag, specialist in the field, he placed it in 2017, in 37a position, among the top 100 clubs around the world.

Beautiful location with sea view, and extraordinary music. A holiday in Mykonos can not be complete without having set foot in Cavo Paradiso, the most famous club in Greece. Great international guests will make you dance until dawn. You will be able to let loose, to the rhythm of the best DJ sets. Aoki, Sven Vath, Carola, Morillo, Morales, Guetta … the list of international guests is really long.

Cavo Paradiso Club Mykonos

Photo ©, Thanos Ap

The club is also located in the immediate vicinity of the airport. If you had to dance until dawn, you will most likely see some aircraft darting over you! You, however, try to stay awake until the early hours of the morning: you can admire oneor the most beautiful views you’ve ever seen.

Crazy nights and unbridled fun, are insured.



The club can be easily reached by bus. Every day, direct connections are guaranteed to/from Fabrika Square, from 07:15 in the morning, up to 04:15 at night to Paradise. Vice versa, from Paradise towards Fabrika Square, send are active from 07:30 to 04:30. The frequency passes from the 30 minutes in a day, to an hour after the 20.


In the morning, on the beach, you can get, rather easily, the reduced entrances for your evening at the Cavo. Generally, the price is around €25; with the reduction, usually entering before midnight, you can save about ten euros!

Cavo is one of the most famous places in Mykonos and Greece. This negatively affects the price of consumables, in our opinion, rather high.

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