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Greece. Hour, get in, getting around, post, bank, documents


A timeless myth that has fascinated anyone for centuries. A place that, at least once in life, one should absolutely see. Greece of the myth of Athens, and of its splendid Acropolis, timeless jewel of a history and a culture without equal.

Greece, a land kissed by the sun, surrounded by wonderful waters, and unforgettable landscapes. Greece with unique colors, romantic sunsets without equal. Greece of the islands prey to mass tourism; of the secluded islands, quiet, placid, mountainous. You say Greece and you think about vacation. Because a holiday in Greece is this and much more ….


Cars, trains and buses are absolutely impossible solutions because of the abysmal distances with France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the main European destinations. From Italy, the only way to get to Greece with your own car is just embarking on one of the many ferries departing from Bari, Brindisi or Venice. The ports of Patras and Igoumenitsa, are those most trafficked by ships from Italy, although in high season, there are direct connections to the ports of the Adriatic islands.

Those who want to reach the Cyclades, for example, must play-force to reach the Athenian port of Piraeus and, from here, use another ship to reach their destination. Anek, Superfast, Minoan they are just some of the shipping companies that connect, almost daily, the ports of Patras and Igoumenitsa with Ancona, Bari, Brindisi, Ravenna, Trieste and Venice. It goes from around 8, 9 hours of crossing from Brindisi, to almost 24 hours from Venice.

From Patras, it takes around 210 km, almost all on the motorway section, always following the signs for Athens. The toll is just under € 10. The distance from Igoumenitsa is much greater: about 450 km, of which only half are on the motorway. Therefore, account for at least 6 hours to reach Athens. The Capital of Greece is located at 11 km south-east of the Port.

Arriving by plane is, of course, the most comfortable and fast way, as well as being often the cheapest. Obviously, choosing to fly, precludes the possibility of taking your car with you. Do not be afraid. Renting a car involves a far from overpriced expense. Try taking a look here. If then your destination should be a small island, consider the possibility of moving by scooter. In a couple of hours, you will be in Greece ready for your sea vacation, relaxation and fun.

Many companies make direct seasonal connections from Italy to Greece: you are spoiled for choice. Many airports, especially on smaller and lesser-known islands, are really tiny, strictly necessary, like a bar or duty-free. Keep in mind that most of these are operational for a couple of months a year! Some, however, are really suggestive and offer breathtaking panoramic views both in the take-off and landing phase.
Athens is the only city to be connected all year with our country.



The railways are highly discouraged: not very timely and highly inefficient. Furthermore, the system is slow and, above all, not very branched. The mountainous and rugged conformation of the country, however, is a partial excuse. Much better are the bus companies, most of which are operated by the Greek KTEL, a consortium of companies that provides modern and comfortable buses, together with low prices.
Taxis can be a good solution if you intend to move a little. Otherwise, there is no doubt that the best way to move around in Greece is by car or by two wheels (especially recommended in small islands).

To move around the country, especially from mainland Greece to the island, the plane and the ship are the only alternatives. Most traffic passes through Athens; Hundreds of thousands of people pass through its airport and the port of Piraeus. The reliable Olympic Air carrier, every day, makes numerous flights to / from the Greek islands, also guaranteeing direct seasonal connections between the islands. As for ferries, there are numerous connections throughout the country every day.


There is no obligation to produce documents at the border, but you are always required to bring an ID card or passport with you. It is especially recommended to bring the CI of their children under age, even if traveling by car or train. See our special section on this subject.

For those who reached Greece with their own boat, or had one in tow, remember that to drive boats that have an engine superior to the 8 horses and that reach speeds higher than 25 km/h, the license is required. Dogs and cats enter freely, provided they have a health certificate and a recent certificate from the veterinarian attesting to good health. Dogs must be vaccinated against rabies for at least 15 days.


From the 1 January 2002, the Euro has become the official currency of the country, supplanting drachmas. Almost everywhere, you can pay directly by credit card and withdraw cash at ATMs. Keep in mind, however, that in some smaller islands or less touristy places, you may find it difficult to withdraw: therefore, we invite you to inform yourself before going on a trip.
If you need to enter the bank, please note that it is generally open from Monday to Thursday from 08:00 to 14:00, and Friday to 13:30, and are closed on Saturday and Sunday.



In Greece, the hands of the clock are one hour ahead of Italy or Spain; even here, daylight saving time is in force.


The offices are open on weekdays from 07:30 to 14:00, however, during the summer, many branches remain open until late evening. Anyone wishing to send the classic postcards can find the stamps at the offices themselves, the kiosks and the kiosks.


Shuko Socket

Across the country, the voltage is 220 volts, with a frequency of 50Hz. The most common electrical outlets are type F, commonly known as Schuko sockets. It is not uncommon, however, to also find C (Eurospina), D or E sockets, especially in old systems. Before leaving, remember to pack a special adapter. For the most provident, we recommend taking a look at this link.


There are no regulated timetables, but much depends on the area and the period. In tourist locations, you can find them open all day from morning to 20. Only on Sundays, almost everywhere, are closed.


With very few exceptions, they are open on weekdays from 08:30 to 14:30. It is almost impossible to find exercises open on Sundays, closing days.


To call the phones in Greece, just put the 0030 on the phone number. If you want to save as much as possible, you can take advantage of the WiFi present in many of the country’s accommodation facilities to make VOIP calls. Alternatively, you can consult the ROAMING rates of your manager, which, in recent times, are quite competitive.


The timetables within the museums and archaeological sites vary according to the place and the importance and therefore we invite you to refer to the information of our excellent guides about it. Obviously, in high season, most of the sites postpone the closing time even a couple of hours (or more), compared to winter. In monasteries and religious places, women with skimpy dresses, deep necklines do not enter; worse still if in costume. The same applies to men, who can not enter Bermuda. We always invite the utmost respect for local customs and traditions.

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