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Visit Bonifacio. What to do and see in vacation. Best attractions

Visit Bonifacio

Bonifacio, located in the south of Corsica, is undoubtedly the city that most enchants the visitor from the point of view of the landscape, thanks to its wonderful village all perched on the white cliffs: a truly evocative show.

Visit Bonifacio

The visit can only start from Citadel, a real hub of the whole city. The lucky ones, coming for example from Santa Teresa di Gallura by ferry, can not help but be enraptured by looking up at the sight of the Citadel with its imposing fortifications on the promontory of white rock! Conversely, from the top of the 70 meters on which the village was built, you can enjoy a fantastic view of the Bouches de Bonifacio, Sardinia and the beautiful blue and turquoise waters of the sea.
Steep and narrow lanes characterize the village, whose names refer to the Ligurian land, as for example Rue de la Loggia, or Rue Doria; we suggest walking slowly to appreciate its atmospheres and, above all, the marvelous suggestive corners. In the summer, the streets are particularly crowded, full of tables at every corner!


Photo ©, Stahlkocher

The Eglise Sainte-Marie-Majeure, is a Catholic church, historical monument from 1982, as well as the oldest building in the whole city; probably built by the Pisans in the twelfth century and subsequently remodeled. Beyond the church, turning into Rue du Portone you get to Place du Marché; it is one of the best spots on the island to admire Capo Pertusato, and the coasts of Sardinia. Difficult to resist the desire to take some pictures! Don’t miss when you visit Bonifacio.


Going in the opposite direction Rue du Portone, you reach the splendid Bastion de l’Étendard. It is an imposing 13th-century fortification that dominates the port; once it served to protect the access of the Porte de Génes, that is, of what was in effect, the one and only entrance to the city up to 1854. In the Bastion there is a small museum which traces the history of the city from the Middle Ages to today, through original finds. The entrance costs about 3,00€ and offers access to the gardens.
The Porte de Génes, instead, passable only to pedestrians, it allows you to descend on Montée Sant-Roch, passing next to the small sixteenth-century chapel of the same name, built at the point where the last victim of the great plague of 1528 died.

What to see in Bonifacio
In the opposite direction, walking up Rue Doria before and Rue Saint-Dominique then, you reach the beautiful Église Saint-Dominique de Bonifacio, one of the few examples of Gothic architecture found throughout Corsica! The building dates back to the 13th century.
Beyond the Church, on the southern flank, 187 steps literally cut into the cliff, descend for 60 meters overlooking the sea: the Éscalier du Roi d’Aragon (Top photo). Legend has it that they were excavated in one night by Spanish troops during the siege of the 1420 !!

The Cimitière Marin de Bonifacio, located almost at the very tip of the Citadel, despite being a cemetery, is a place of absolute tranquility, peace and, above all, with wonderful sea views. More than a cemetery, it seems to be in a small country in miniature, with small chapels with many names of Italian families. Nothing gloomy: everything here is in total harmony with the rest of the city. Incredible indeed.

Regarding your visit Bonifacio, besides the splendid citadel, the city reserves pleasant walks along the splendid Marina; here, you will find numerous hotels, restaurants and clubs that will accompany you on your walk. As for the village, forget to sit down paying little: here, in Bonifacio, prices are quite high, but often it is worth it; above all, if you can sit in a romantic restaurant overlooking the sea, or have a drink while waiting for the sunset.


For those who are animated by the spirit of adventure, the pedestrian path from the small long chapel is absolutely unmissable Montée St-Roch leads up to Capo Pertusato and at the Lighthouse; 45 minutes of walking that offers breathtaking views and views of the cliff. It is the southernmost point of the whole of Corsica, from which the island of Cavallo, the island of Lavezzi and Sardinia. Alternatively, it can be reached with its own vehicle, exiting the center, along the D260.


Photo ©, tiarescott

The visit of the Marine Caves, is in our opinion another wonderful and suggestive itinerary when you visit Bonifacio. A tour to travel by boat. There are several companies that make tours along the famous caves; take a look at this link for more information.
Several itineraries are available, including the one along the route Nature Reserve of the Bouches de Bonifacio which passes through the archipelago of Lavezzi, a true paradise for sea birds. The itinerary of the Marine Caves takes place around the wonderful white cliffs, passing through the cave of Sdragonato; the latter recall the upturned profile of Corsica and the caves of Napoleon from the shape similar to the hat of Bonaparte.
The ride, generally, costs around €20,00 per adult. We advise you to choose directly on the spot, the boat and the cruise that best suit your needs.

*all information contained herein, including timetables and prices, is for informational purposes only and is not to be considered official. All names and trademarks herein belong to their respective owners.

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