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Choose Free airline seats to travel as a couple, family, friends

Choose Free airline seats

The trend of almost all airlines (all or almost all of the low cost ones) is increasingly clear: the air ticket will have to separate all the ancillary services to the ticket, which will have to be purchased separately.
Thus, you find yourself paying for everything and the initial cost of the ticket (even if it seems like a bargain) ends up being tripled!

Higher costs apply to baggage, which is particularly expensive in the hold. In some cases, like with Easyjet, if you manage to fit everything in a large hand luggage (which fits into the overhead bin), you can save something.

Choose Free Airplane Seats


Those traveling by plane as a couple, with family and friends, almost always would like to do so while sitting with their loved ones.
To be sure, you need to buy a seat for each traveler. For a family of 4, the average cost is €40 (often even more) for a return flight.
This amount, however, you can safely save and choose free airline seats. Or, to be more precise, sit for free with other people traveling with you.

Being able to do this is not difficult: it is a mere matter of timing.
A few days before the airline begins the check-in procedure (30 days before departure, with Easyjet) connect to the official website or the company’s APP.
Open your reservations page and start the procedure to purchase seats, BUT NOT PURCHASE ANYTHING.
The airline will show you the real-time photo of the seats on your flight, with those still free and those already booked. This will give you a reliable overview of the vacancies that are still available

The day the airline opens the check-in for your flight, repeat the above procedure: if you see several vacant seats nearby, start the check-in procedure without purchasing seats. The system will proceed by default to give you nearby seats for all those that appear in your reservation. If there are 4 of you and there are free standard seats on the plane, rest assured that you will be close (at least 2 or 3 of you).

If you plan to choose free airline seats, avoid checking in too close to the departure of your flight: you will hardly succeed. The ideal is to do it as soon as you open the procedure or, at least, between 15 and 7 days before your flight.

And, above all, do not forget that even if you have checked in, you can always cancel it up to a few hours before departure.


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