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Tenby Castle Beach in Wales. City most colorful places in the world

Tenby Castle Beach

Along the south coast of Pembrokshire lies one of the most beautiful and characteristic villages in Wales: Tenby.
Nestled in Carmartehn Bay, Dinbych-y-Pysgod, (its name in Welsh) is a delightful and charming village, steeped in history. Formerly a fishing village.

You can admire the splendid Museum and the Art Gallery, the Tudor’s Merchant House. Cliffs and fortified walls of the twelfth century.
But it is from the sea that you can admire all its beauty.
From Tenby Castle beach, and South Beach, the view becomes absolutely spectacular. On the one hand, not too far away, the sacred island of Caldey Island. On the other hand, the splendid pastel-colored buildings.
Beautiful colors that immediately catch the visitor’s eye.

Tenby Castle Beach

The village is part of the scenic Pembrokeshire Coastal National Park, one of the three Welsh National Pachi, established in 1952.
Nature and magic meet in this place, where you can breathe an incredible atmosphere of peace, freedom and serenity.
Landscapes. Long stretches of coast. The sea. The wind…



Reached the village from Cardiff, or the nearest Swansea (just 70km), you can easily move around the center on foot.
The historic center is quite concentrated. Furthermore, during the summer months, it is not possible to travel by car.

Tenby Castle Beach, and its Esplanade, are about 10 minutes’ walk from Merchant House in the center.


Of course, Tenby Castle Beach is just one stop on a Welsh village excursion. Don’t miss a walk along the cobbled streets of the old town. You can stop at a cafeteria, a pub, or sharpen some little men in one of the characteristic shops of the Village.


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