Below, lots of valuable information for those wishing to take a trip and drive in Greece with their own vehicle.
As always, it is recommended to follow some basic and universal rules.
Always respect speed limits. The checks are more and more frequent. A fundamental principle for safety and, also, for your pockets; avoid heavy fines.
If you have drunk alcohol, DO NOT DRIVING. For no reason.
In the event of an accident, YOU MUST ALWAYS STOP and provide assistance; it is important, however, not to hinder circulation. Fines can not be paid on the spot, but only at the TREASURY OFFICE, within 10 days.
In Greece you drive on the right and you pass on the left. Always respect the safety distance.
Always give priority to pedestrians who cross or are about to cross a road; even if there are no pedestrian crossings on the ground. Nevertheless, in Greece, especially in the hinterland, driving badly enough and, basically, the rules in overtaking are not respected. Sometimes there is almost a state of driving anarchy!
The infrastructure varies depending on the area. In any case, as the situation is (slowly) improving, roads and highways are far from possessing the quality standards of France, Spain, Germany and Italy.
Some streets, panoramic, are really suggestive, with unique views and panoramas.
Driving license, registration certificate and valid insurance certificate. If you are driving a vehicle that is not your own, we recommend that you take a DELEGATION TO CONDUCT. This is a delegation of the vehicle owner with an authenticated signature. It is not mandatory.
Triangle, first aid kit and fire extinguisher, are mandatory for all vehicles. All passengers by car must OBLIGATORY be insured to the seat belts, even the rear ones. Except only persons who have a valid exemption, transcribed in Greek.
Starting from the 2000, the modernization process has begun. Much of the network has been completed in the 2017. Today, there are 10 main highways, all over Greece, including one on the island of Crete. A1 (Athens – Thessaloniki – Evzonoi) and A2 (Egnatia – Odos), are the most extensive, with 550 and 670 kilometers around. Motorways are subject to charges, with tolls.
The letter A, followed by a number, white on a green background, indicates that you are in the presence of a motorway.
National Road, are national roads, generally single carriageway, with one or two lanes per direction. A progressive number, from 1 to 111, of white color on a blue background, identifies these types of roads.
In Greece, the main and secondary road signs are in Greek and English. On roads of minor importance, and those far from the centers of interest, it is very likely that you will find the signs only in Greek. A navigator, or a smartphone with GPS, is ideal in these situations.
Speed limits are different between vehicles and motorcycles. In more detail, for vehicles, the limits are as follows:
- 50 km/h in the cities
- 90 km/h outside population centers
- 110 km/h on specially marked roads.
- 130 km/h on the highway.
In case you want to drive a motorcycle in Greece, the speed limits are as follows:
- 40 km/h in population centers
- 70 km/h outside population centers
- 90 km/h on the highway.
All children under the age of 3 must travel by car only if they are insured for seats suitable for their weight, approved in compliance with the minimum safety requirements, stability by law.
Children aged 3 and 11 years, or less than 150cm, must travel on a suitable seat suitable for their weight, and approved according to the regulations in force.