You are in seventh heaven: your journey on the road has begun. Feel the adrenaline, the euphoria of this long dreamed, conceived, organized journey. On board your spyder, you feel a little like Thelma and Louise, with the wind, in the middle of summer, caressing your hair. And it does nothing that does not have hair, and the only thing moved by the wind are the thick and bristly hairs of that beard that your partner has long said to cut!
And it does not matter if you’re on board a Ford Thunderbird through Grand Canyon, Utah, Bryce Canyon, or Dead Horse Poin.
A detour on the Salerno-Reggio Calabria has forced your Fiat Barchetta, bought many years before in a flea market, to turn on a mountain road.
It’s evening, you start to get nervous …
“Careful, soon the vein on your forehead breaks out,” says the bearded friend.
Feel your head heavy; it almost seems like smoke comes out.
Then … there really is smoke. Unfortunately, from the car’s engine.
“Porca troia, shit machine …”
Well. Needless to inveigh, so you have the ROAD ASSISTANCE because you have followed the advice of
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Take advantage to make a quote in less than three minutes.
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