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Places of Formentera. Best villages, point of interest in the island

Places of Formentera

The beaches are, of course, the great protagonists, but, during the holidays, you will find many landscapes, and places of Formentera really extraordinary. Starting from the Reserve of Ses Salines, one of the natural wonders of the island.

Once upon a time, the salt pans represented the first economic resource of the island, which lived on the extraction and conservation of sea salt. Today, they have a purely tourist value. We recommend visiting them in late summer, when the salt crystallization process gives it a particular pink color.

The salt pans have been declared a Nature Reserve in the 1995; they include a part of the territory that also includes the salt pans of Ibiza and the islets that divide the two islands.

Some of the most beautiful areas of Formentera, like those of s’Estany d’es Peix, Estany Pudent and the Bassa de s’Espalmador

The Formentera saltworks reserve has an information point on the island where you can contact for visiting hours and any info; it is active from 9 to 13, and from 16 to 20.

If you want to touch the sun with a finger … go to It’s Cap de Barbaria, one of the must-see places of Formentera. It is located in the extreme southwest of the island. It is so called, due to the presence of pirate boats that used to approach the island by exploiting this isolated and wild promontory.

An incredible promontory, where you can admire the spectacle of uncontaminated nature; ideal, it would get there at sunset. You can get on the Cap de Barbaria lighthouse (18 mt.); or, you can sit on the low walls overlooking the sea, and relax watching the infinity of the sea … With its unique sunsets and spectacular views, it is one of the places of Formentera that, of course, will remain in your mind.

Reaching the Lighthouse of Cap de Barbaria is very simple; from Es Pujols, take the road PMV-820-1 for 12 km and, after 20 minutes, you will have reached your destination.

Not far from the lighthouse stands the Torre des Garroveret, ancient watchtower, dating back to the 18th century, about 10 meters high. Originally, the tower had defensive functions and was armed with a cannon; later, it was used as an observation point.

Formentera Tower


The main urban center of Formentera is represented by San Francesc Xavier de Formentera. The city life, here, takes place all around the square, dominated by the Church, the oldest of the island. In the past, it served as a fortress to defend against pirate attacks.

The area of Es Pujols it is located in the north of Formentera, between the Estany Pudent lake and the Punta Prima cliff.

Es Pujols, is the real tourist center, and the beating heart of the island. During the day, there is a crowd of people crowded with shops and flea markets for shopping; at night, the very young are poured into the rooms along the main street of the town. The Bananas, in this sense, is the reference point of the island’s nightlife. Opened in the 1996 by a group of young Italians, it is one of the places in Formentera where renowned DJs come from all over Europe; looks like a very modern Lounge Bar. The restaurant is open until 4 in the morning.

In Es Pujols a large number of facilities (hotels, apartments, etc.) and tourism services are concentrated, including shops, bars, chiringuitos, restaurants and all kinds of establishments. Platja de Llevant, Platja de Sa Roqueta, Platja Ses Canyes and the homonymous beach of Es Pujols they are among the most appreciated beaches by the millions of tourists who visit Formentera every year.

During your vacation, do not miss the chance to do great business at Hippie market 70 years. It is set up every Wednesday and Sunday in the picturesque village of La Mola. In our opinion, the village is one of the places of Formentera not to be missed. Together with the market.

To reach the Mola you have to take the PM820 road in a southerly direction; from Es Pujols it takes 25 minutes.

San Ferrant, located in the middle of the island, it is another of the places of Formentera to see. Very close to Es Pujols, it was a reference point for the hippie movement that took over from the 60 years; today, it has preserved that spirit, and during the tourist season, we continue to drink, play and chat until late at night. The Fonda Pepe is emblematic of this spirit and authentic meeting place.

It is a real institution in Formentera, halfway between a bar and a restaurant, whose main dish is undoubtedly the paella, served in many variations. Before entering the restaurant, crowded with tourists in the summer, there is the bar where you can start the evening with the classic chupitos.

Kanoa remembers that the Fonda Pepe does not accept reservations; It is therefore likely to have to stand a little at the bar counter before being able to sit in the dining room.

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