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Lost documents. What to do in case of a forgotten document before leaving

Lost Documents

You’re in seventh heaven: finally we start! You have organized everything to perfection and it is time for a well-deserved vacation. No home, work, housework. Only healthy relaxation.

On the way, look at your partner with a smile. Then, arrive at the airport. Check-in time. Nobody knows better than you, your husband. That’s why you understand almost immediately that something is not going right.

You see him starting to stare at you with that dog-beaten look. How many times in your life you have seen it.

“But you’re really a jerk. But I say, you did not lift a finger to pack. do not do a fuck from morning to night. The only thing you should have worried about were the documents “……

Well, it could just happen to you!

Lost Documents

For lovers of the last-minute thrill … one of the nightmares of distracted travelers. That is, to show up at the airport and see that you have left your identity document at home, or even worse, lost.

Kanoa informs that an identity card is open at the airports of Rome-Fiumicino and Milan-Malpensa. It is a branch of the municipal registry office available to those who had forgotten their identification document at home; or, alternatively, useful to the distractors who should realize at the last moment, their forgotten or expired document.

Are you abroad and have you lost your document? Well, you have to stay abroad for a long, long time !! We joke!

No problem. At least from 28 May 2011, following the entry into force of Legislative Decree n. 71/2011. The decree provides, in fact, that in case of loss or theft of travel documents, the OFFICE CONSOLER IN LOCAL may issue (with the approval of the competent Italian Authority) a new passport or issue a provisional travel document (ETD – Emergency Travel Document).

In this case, all you have to do is go to the consular office of the country where you are, with 3 passport photos and travel documents; you must make a self-declaration of loss or theft of your passport or other travel document, in accordance with the articles 46 and 47 and with the warnings as per art. 76 of the 445 / 2000 DPR. If possible, also report the complaint to the competent authorities: it will help you to reduce the time.

This procedure is also valid if you have lost other documents as well. Obviously, it must be kept in mind that all the consular offices are, as a rule, closed on weekends and holidays; therefore, it will be possible to make the complaint only on the first working day.

We invite you, in any case, to use all possible precautions to avoid unpleasant surprises.

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