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One day in Alba Iulia. What to do and see during your vacation

One day in Alba Iulia

The Historic Capital of Transylvania, is a must for a trip to Transylvania.

In its splendid eighteenth-century Citadel, you will find all the monuments and points of interest of the city. One day in Alba Iulia may be enough during a tour in Transylvania.
A day to experience intensely, visiting the historic core of the city.

Cetatea Alba Iulia, the fortress city, has a particular star shape, with 7 bastions, 3 doors, and a total perimeter of about 12 km.
It is accessed from the 1 Gate of the Fortress, spectacular entrance to the citadel.
Obeliscul lui Horea, Cloşca şi Crişan, is an obelisk that stands for 28 meters in height. It is dedicated to the revolt of the three patriots.

Palatul Principilor Ardealului, rises shortly after, along the wall. This is the beautiful home of the Princes of Transylvania, dating back to the 16th century. Subsequently, it would have been a barracks.
Opposite stands the Equestrian Statue of Michael the Brave.

Alba Iulia Catedrala-Incoronarii-si-Catedrala-Sfantul-Mihail

Photo ©, Tudor evi

La Roman-Catholic Catedrala it is one of the most important religious buildings in the whole of Romania. This would be enough to explain the reasons for the visit during a day in Alba Iulia.
Built on a previous Romanesque Basilica, destroyed in the 13th century, it is a very impressive building, dedicated to the cult of San Michele.
In the interior, with three naves, the Hunyadis are buried.
The neighbor Arhiepiscopia Romano-Catolică it is the archdiocese, seat of the bishop from 1715. Once it was annexed to the Palazzo dei Principi.

Of more recent history, however, it is the Orthodox Cathedral, separated from the Catholic one by Mihai Viteazul road. It was built in 1921 on the occasion of the coronation of the First Sovereigns of united Romania. From here, the name of the Cathedral of the Coronation. The courtyard is beautiful and the interior has three naves.
It includes the Cathedral, the Torre Portico, next to the IV Gate of the Citadel.

On the right of the Cathedral, instead, in Piata Cetatii, stands the Union Hall; it is the place where the union of Transylvania with Romania was decreed. After various restorations, the building was annexed to the Muzeul National al Unirii.
To the east of the building there are the two Monuments Lozzenau e Custozza. The first was dedicated in memory of Commander Ludwig Losy von Losenau, who died during the 1848-49 revolution. The second, dedicated to the military who lost their lives during the battle of Custoza.

Il Muzeul National is one of the most important museums of history and archeology in Romania, with over 200000 finds from the early twentieth century. Do not miss during one day in Alba Iulia. You can admire the exhibits on the three floors of the building. Interesting Roman finds are located at the Lapidarium, on the ground floor. Equally important, the rich collection of icons on glass on the second floor.
Open, in summer, from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10: 00 to 19: 00. In winter, however, closing at 17: 00. Always closed on Monday.
The full-fare ticket, per adult, costs 10LEI. Reduced for children, students and over 65, 5LEI

There is a special ticket which, at the cost of 15LEI, also includes access to the neighbor Museikon, an interesting museum of cultural heritage, located at XIIIUM Road Unirii. Recently restored, it is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 3: 09 to 00: 17.

La Batthyaneum Library, behind the beautiful Apor Palace, is one of the most important legacies of the city, with many, and rare, ancient manuscripts. Among these, the Codex Burgundus of the fifteenth century, and part of the Codex Aureus.
The Apor Palace was the residence of an important noble family and today houses the Rectorate of the University of Alba Iulia

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