Blue Flags 2018. Guide and practical info about best italian beaches

Awarded the Blue Flags 2018. Also this year, with punctuality, before the beginning of the summer season, the prestigious award was given by the Foundation for Environmental Education.

The assignment of the Blue Flags 2018, as per tradition, took place according to rather strict and selective criteria. A selection that awarded 368 beaches for excellent bathing water, an efficient purification system, and numerous services; from cycle paths to green spaces, up to recycling.

Blue Flags 2018

Compared to the previous year, the municipalities and the recognized beaches have increased. In fact, Italian municipalities pass to 175, compared to 163 in 2017. It seems clear that the mayors are more sensitive to the issue than before. There is no doubt that the Blue Flag had represented, in the past years, a reason for many discussions. In fact, it has been established that the municipalities that have obtained this recognition receive greater consideration (and therefore more bookings in accommodation facilities) by tourists.

Also this year, the undisputed queen is Liguria, awarded 27 Blue Flags 2018.

Next, in this special ranking of the Regions, there are Tuscany that confirms 19 Flags, and Campania, with as many as 18 beaches, including the 3 New Entry Sorrento, Piano di Sorrento and Ispani. The figures are followed by Marche, Puglia and Sardinia which receive, respectively, 16, 14 and 13 Blue Flags 2018.

With the news of the beaches of Sellia Marina and Tortora, Calabria reaches Emilia Romagna at 9 locations.

Among the provinces, it is Salerno that obtains the highest number of Blue Flags 2018, with 14 locations. Followed by Savona, with 13 and Livorno with 8. Salerno, and Cilento, confirm the excellent trend of recent years

Not only the sea: even the lake resorts have received the prestigious recognition, thanks to the commitment of the territory in promoting sustainable tourism, water quality and services available to tourists. This year, 16 lakes have been awarded prizes.

On the official website, through this link, you can view the complete list of all the beaches and the tourist berths awarded the recognition; for the most curious, you can view the complete lists of the last few years.