Trend Trips 2017. What travelers look for their holidays., one of the most impacting brands in the tourism sector, has put together, and analyzed, an impressive series of data. Through a cross-analysis of advice and recommendations from travelers, reviews, market preferences, technological innovations, here comes 8 Trend Trips 2017; that is, what tourists and business travelers expect for 2017.

And the results were quite unequivocal.

1) TECHNOLOGY. Travel and technology represent the indissoluble binomial for 2017. Few and simple steps to make your reservations, and more and more use of mobile devices. Moreover, tourists focus mainly on practicality. The possibility of skipping the queues at the attractions of a city is a significant element. Many companies become a very valid solution. And, not to be neglected, even the travel apps, more and more faithful companions during their holidays.

Trend Trips 2017

2) BLEISURE. The trips that combine work (Business) with leisure (Leisure), are expected to peak in 2017. Business travel is no longer seen as a waste of time. Today, the business traveler, tries to extend his stay period by a few days, to enjoy the destination also from the tourist point of view.

3) THRILL OF DISCOVERY. For 2017, travelers want to travel to my destinations and destinations visited first by friends and contacts. Moreover, a part, would like to plan more adventurous trips. Imagine, for example, the thrill of a trip to Malaga with excursus to El Caminito del Rey; that is, an adventure overlooking the sea!

4) MIND / BODY / SPIRIT. In such a hectic world, travel is seen as a sort of search for balance. Here, then, that among the Trend Trips 2017, destinations such as India, China and Thailand are facing the spotlight. But that is not all. For 2017, there will be a growth in the offer, and in reservations, of facilities with meditation centers, spas and more.

5) ECOLOGY. Travelers are increasingly attentive to the environment and sustainability. And this also translates into greater respect for local cultures and traditions.

6) EXPERIENCE. Travelers, for 2017, want to leave to rediscover the pleasure of small things. Therefore, prioritizing experiences rather than material goods.

7) HUMAN ASPECT. There is an increase in tourists who would never book a hotel with more than three negative reviews. This is because most people consider human relationships to be more important than accommodation. Staying in a structure with a friendly and helpful staff becomes a priority.

8) JOURNEYS TOWARD THE UNUSUAL. Although, at the moment, not feasible, desire and fascination with the unknown and unexplored destinations such as space increase. However, technological innovations and changes in the tourism industry could lead to incredible changes already in 2017. This is what travelers wish.

Therefore, the 8 Trend Trips 2017, represent a good viaticum for the next tourist season, and you, which of the 8 points, do you feel most interested in?