Best 52 places in 2019. The ranking of the best destinations worldwide

Desire of holidays and desire to experiment new experiences and new destinations? Also this year, the New York Times has decided to offer its contribution to the cause, drawing up the ranking of the Best 52 places in 2019.

A list developed, and designed, especially for American tourists, but that is well suited to visitors of all nations. A ranking that should be seen, above all, as a source of inspiration. Places, more or less famous, all chosen for a particular reason.

With the contribution of its collaborators and various reporters spread all over the world, the New York Times has drawn up this special ranking. 52 fantastic destinations to discover in all its beauty. Maybe, before they can be affected by mass tourism.

And here, then, real natural paradises. Ecosustainable destinations. The best gastronomic destinations. Places that, like a phoenix, are reborn from their own ashes, after devastating phenomenomen. In this sense, the choice to include Puerto Rico, on top of this special ranking, is quite shareable.
Each of these 52 places, has its reason to exist, in this ranking. It is also New York, which, of course, needs no introduction. The inauguration of the Shed and the World Pride are the reasons to visit them in the 2019.

Every place has its own story.
The 16 July, you could take a trip to Alabama, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the launch of the 11 Apollo.
In Cadiz, a historic Spanish city, gastronomy is the protagonist. We recommend to visit it in March during the Carnival celebrations. And remaining on the theme of Carnival, the New York Times advises Salvador, in Brazil; a city whose historic center is famous for its vibrant Afro-Brazilian culture.

Best 52 places in 2019, and as many stories to tell. You just have to prepare your suitcase and choose the destination that most inspires you.


best 52 places in 2019

Here, below, the first positions of the ranking drawn up by the New York Times, and the reasons for the choice.

01) Puerto Rico. An island that is returning to normal after a devastating hurricane.
02) Hampi – India. An ancient archaeological complex that has become more accessible.
03) Santa Barbara – California. The American Riviera towards the Paradise of food and wine.
04) Panama. A new eco-sustainable resort is born.
05) Munich – Germany. Theater. Art. Opera. What do you want more?
06) Eilat – Israel. A new paradise accessible on the Red Sea.

The complete ranking is available on the official website