Traveling on The road. The charme of the trip by car or motorbike

Traveling on the road is a fascinating experience and certainly worth trying, whether you are driven by a story, an experience of a friend or a simple curiosity.

In my opinion, there are no absolute rules or rules, but I think the only and only fundamental thing to consider, for a trip like this, is the company.
Do not underestimate it: the outcome of the trip will depend on the company; therefore, carefully choose who will accompany you on the way. If you love smoking, do not bring the breaker on duty that every cigarette will not stop telling you:
“You poison me with this smell”;
“Fuck, you can not breathe here”;
“But you just can not do without it? At least, smoke when we stop. “

Traveling on The road

Or maybe, a fellow allergic to air conditioning; imagine traveling in full August, under the sun and without air conditioning?
And if your friend stinks? All this time in a few square meters, with a human onion and the lezzo under your nose?
So I recommend you. Choose well with whom to travel. It is the only rule that we invite you to follow. On our site you will find above all excellent ideas. Maybe, some of our followers can offer their experience.

I will be honest: the road trip is the one I prefer because you are not forced to follow a logic or patterns. You choose a destination, when to leave and the period of return. You plan the journey and it’s done.
The departure date will not be the one, the itinerary will be distorted, and you will not know when to return. And all because, perhaps, your partner has taken the flu, your best friend has presented to you crying for losing all the money to horses; your “popes” did not fill up the car; you found the car without the tires; they stole the bike with which you had to leave. Oh well, this is just bad luck.
In any case, you will still be able to leave. No matter how many hindrances may be, the on-the-road trip awaits you. And believe it or not, it will be a really good experience!