SHOPPING | CONTACT | NEWS | SUBSCRIBE ENG ITA ESP ENG ITA ESP Pilgrimage to Fatima, every 13th of the month. What to do and see. Pilgrimage to Fatima Share on facebook Share on pinterest Share on twitter WHERE: Fatima, Portugal. WHEN: from May to October, every 13 of the month. […]
Southern Soul Festival
Southern Soul Festival 2019. What to do and see, times, dates, schedule WHERE: Ulcinj, Montenegro WHEN: from the 26 June to the 01 July 2019 Cutting-edge music and lots of fun. Sun, sea and a very long beach in beautiful Montenegro. Here is the recipe for one of the most interesting summer festivals in the […]
Fete des Vignerons
Fete des Vignerons in Vevey, from July to August 2019. Best Wine Festival WHERE: Vevey, Switzerland WHEN: from the 18 July to the 11 August 2019 A festival that takes place only 5 times in a century, from the 2016 inscribed in the immaterial cultural heritage by UNESCO. A party that dates back to the […]
Theatron Sommer Festival 2018 in Munich. Info, tickets, program WHERE: Munich, Germany. WHEN: from 26 July to 19 August 2018 Back, as every year, one of the most popular Bavarian summer events. In the splendid setting of the Olympiapark lake, 24 extraordinary days of concerts and shows await you. This is the Theatron Musik Sommer […]