Last Minute Christmas. Discover the best offers to fly and sleep in Europe

December is almost upon us. And it is precisely in this period that cities, more or less known, offer their best, most fascinating and evocative side.

Imagine walking through the wonderful streets and squares of the historical center of Prague, lit up for the occasion. Or the timeless Ville Lumiére: an invitation not to be missed for a romantic holiday.

Amsterdam, instead, in December, is the living testimony of how beautiful it can be at any time … not just in the spring!

With the Last Minute Christmas offers, you can take advantage of the convenient prices offered by Easyjet to fly and stay all over Europe. Affordable rates, which include, in many cases, direct flight, stay and breakfast.

Here, below, some of the best Last Minute Christmas bargains to be seized.

Last Minute Christmas


Lots of offers to spend a whole week at incredible prices. From 17 to 24 December, you can stay at the central CITY CENTRAL DE LUXE, for only € 179.00 per person. The offer includes direct flight from Venice and breakfast. Alternatively, you can opt for the EA Hotel Crystal Palace. Same period, flight and breakfast included, with a price of € 219.00 per person.

From 12 to 19 December, you can fly from Milan Malpensa and stay at the Hotel Belvedere, in the historical center of Prague. 8 days and 7 nights, direct flight and breakfast at € 250.00 per person.


The charming markets and the wonderful Light Festival are the ideal opportunity to visit the Dutch capital in December. Holiday In Express, is a chain with a well-known brand, which combines practicality with fairly low prices. With about 300 € per person, you will have the opportunity to spend the entire Christmas period in the beautiful city. The price includes accommodation, breakfast and a direct round-trip flight from Milan Malpensa, on days 20 and 21.


Paris, mon amour. Impossible not to be carried away by the timeless charm of the French capital. Ready for a week of pure romance? Thanks to the Last Minute Christmas offer, you will be able to spend the central Advent week, for less than € 250 per person.

The offer includes direct round-trip flight from Milan Malpensa (from 21 to 28/12), and overnight stay at the Pavillon Opera Lafayette, a 3-star hotel located just 900 meters from the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Montmartre, and few minutes walk from the busy shopping streets, with their typically Parisian shops.

Of course, for your Christmas, you are spoiled for choice. Berlin, Lisbon, London, are always rather popular destinations, to be kept in mind at any time of the year.