Welcome Airitaly, the new Italian company that replaces Meridiana. News

Important news about flights arrives. Meridiana Fly, an Italian company founded in 1963, officially becomes AirItaly, and is ready to become the reference carrier in Italy. With the stated goal of reaching 10 million passengers within the next 4 years!

The challenge to Alitalia is therefore a match. And, you can bet that, the new airline, will not have all the cards on the table to become the Italian company of reference.

Welcome AirItaly

With the new plan, Alisarda, previously the sole shareholder, will hold 51%, maintaining the majority percentage. Qatar Airways, on the other hand, will have 49%. For Meridiana, this represents an extraordinary turning point. Especially considering the well-known financial vicissitudes of recent times.

The investments are quite evident. Starting from the fleet. In the next five years AirItaly will have a fleet of 50 new aircraft. Venti Boeing 737-Max 8 for all short and medium range connections; 30 Boeing 787-Dreamliner for intercontinental flights.

The network will be significantly strengthened. And Milan Malpensa will have a primary strategic role, becoming the hub of the new AirItaly. Right from Milan Malpensa, to September 2018, 4 direct weekly connections with Bangkok will be guaranteed.

Not all AirItaly news has been revealed. By the end of 2018, three further long-range connections will be unveiled; while, the following year, a new long-haul route will be inaugurated, departing from Rome. To improve the connections, it is also foreseen the strengthening of short-range connections.
Good news also in the workplace. Thanks to the new business plan, the improvement of services and, above all, the strengthening of the workforce is expected.

Naturally, while awaiting further developments, the official website of sundial continues to be operational. On the official website, you can also continue to buy and book your flights. Practical information on the company is still perfectly valid and can be found in our special section dedicated to the company.

Welcome Airitaly!