Welcome 2017 by Kanoa team J.L. Defoe, AndyDarko

We left behind a fairly difficult year. A year furrowed by so many terrible tragedies that have upset the minds of us all.

Few will have forgotten the massacres of Brussels and Istanbul, of March and June; or, moreover, the most recent massacres in Berlin and, again, in the Turkish capital.

But the tragedies have no race or color. How can one remain impassive, seeing the images of the poor children of Aleppo? Faces completely blackened, dirty hair and streams of blood coagulated on the face.

Welcome 2017

We wonder if the carefree and joy of the past still exists, after so much violence.

The facts, however, seem to be quite unequivocal. Despite everything, people have decided to continue living. The chronicle and the facts that surround us seem to give a new strength and new awareness. Despite everything, people continue to travel.

Despite everything, we want to keep having fun.

To discover. To rejoice. To be together. To know….

All united by one word: LOVE.

And so, go on like this, towards a year that, we hope, can reserve joy and satisfaction for everyone. And above all, with the hope of traveling more and more. Because it is through travel and new knowledge that we can learn and enrich ourselves.

You never stop learning.

They know it well in England, where last year nobody would have bet a pound on a Leicester victory in the Premier League.

So welcome 2017.

With the hope that there is …. a bit of Leicester for all of us.