Black Friday tips Best offers and great discounts during the shopping sale

Black Friday, literally Black Friday, is the day dedicated to shopping, with incredible discounts. It is celebrated the day after the American Thanksgiving Day. And it is in America that it is born, and then exported, in the following years, out of the New Continent.

Black Friday tips

Today, there are really many buyers waiting for this fateful date, to buy, anticipating Christmas gifts. In general, the discounts are anticipated already at the beginning of the week, continuing until the end of the month. In this brief guide, we want to offer some small Black Friday tips, to avoid scams or errors.

Of course, the Black Friday tips are aimed primarily at those who make online purchases. Although, by now, there is no lack of offers and discounts even in physical stores.

Buy only on reliable sites or from which you have already bought, previously, with satisfaction. As obvious as it may seem, and banal, it must always be remembered. It’s always easy to let yourself be attracted by a discounted price with the excuse of a discount.

Are the discounts really real? Not always. One of the Black Friday tips to follow, for those used to buying on Amazon, there is an extraordinary extension, optimized for Chrome and Firefox, called Keepa. Thanks to it, once installed, on the page of each Amazon product will be visible the graph that will show the price history in the last period. This way, you can know for sure if the discount is real. Moreover, Keepa is an extension that can be useful in any period, because it offers alerts on availability and lowering of the prices of the articles.

Many sites and large chains, during this promotional period, offer free shipping. Among our Black Friday tips, you cannot miss a last warning: before buying, make sure of the timing of the shipment. Almost all sites indicate rather clearly, how long it takes to receive the articles.

Finally, always remember to buy through sites that accept PayPal and credit cards. Never buy on sites that only accept bank transfers or prepaid card top-ups.