Beyond Caravaggio National Gallery. Info, opening hours, how to arrive

From next October 12, “Beyond Caravaggio” will be inaugurated, an exhibition on the famous Italian painter, to be held in London and in particular at the National Gallery, the “perfect theater for an exhibition with a very high artistic content”.

The Museum management says that: visitors will be able to admire a series of works from museums, stately homes, castles, churches and private collections in Great Britain, Ireland. Among the works donated for the event there is one of great spiritual value , the evocative Capture of Christ (1602); owned by the Jesuit Community of Dublin, do not miss the St. John the Baptist by Nelson; from the Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City (Missouri).

Kanoa recalls that the National Gallery is one of the most important museums in the world, as it contains 600 years of history, the National Gallery was founded in 1824.

Beyond Caravaggio National Gallery

Over 2300 paintings, representing 600 years of art and all the main artistic currents of Western Europe from 1250 to today; for example, The Sunflowers by Van Gogh, The Virgin of the Rocks by Leonardo, the Portrait of the Arnolfini Spouses by Jan Van Eyck.

Kanoa recalls that the works are displayed in chronological order; between the second floor and the halls, from A to G on the ground floor.

The collection is housed in four sections, each dedicated to a historical period: Sainsbury Wing (1250 – 1500), West Wing (1500 – 1600), North Wing (1600 – 1700) and East Wing (1700 – 1900).

Returning to the great “Beyond Caravaggio” event; next to the master’s famous paintings, a selection of works created by the artists who felt the influence of Caravaggio will be exhibited; who wandered Italy accompanied by his violent and irascible nature.

The exhibition at the National Gallery also derives; from wanting to exhibit the works of those young painters who almost “made blows” while learning and following one of the greatest painters in history, we are certain that this exhibition will make the greatness of Caravaggio well understood; especially due to the influence it had on young painters, including: Mattia Preti, Orazio Gentileschi; Valentin de Boulogne, Jusepe de Ribera and Gerrit van Honthorst.


Date Exhibition: 12 October-15 January
How to get there: Metro Trafalgar Square

Kanoa reminds that the entrance to the National Gallery is FREE.

Hours: 10-18 every day, Friday 10-21
Closing: January 1, December 24.25
Official Website: