Barcelos fair, the most famous market in Portugal. Info, opening hours

Barcelos Fair

In the wonderful Port, are you looking for something alternative for your holiday?
A trip…. out of Porto?

In about an hour by train, or 60 km by car, you can reach Barcelos, one of the most picturesque ancient cities of Minho. Between Torri, remains of ancient walls and splendid churches, you can reach Campo da República, once Largo de Feira.

Precisely in this place, every Thursday, one of the most famous markets of the whole country takes place, the Barcelos Fair. The very fact that, in these parts, they call it the Barcelos Fair leaves room for little doubt: not just a simple market, but a great meeting place for cultures, arts and traditions.
Once upon a time, farmers, gypsies and great traders of craftsmen flocked. The latter, has always been one of the great boast of the whole region

Today, despite the strongly touristy connotation, the Barcelos Fair has been able to keep alive the ties with the origins and the tradition. In many, between artists and writers, they have talked about it. Today, in this huge space, you can walk among the stalls full of fruit, vegetables, bread, flowers, souvenirs, junk, clothes, handicrafts ….

Beautiful. Funny. Colored. Full of life, and people. You really find everything, of every quality and price. Absolutely not to be missed.

Barcelos Fair



Our advice is to reach the Barcelos Fair in train. The train station is about a 15 minute walk from Campo de República.
By car, you will have to take into account the traffic and the enormous difficulty of parking; especially if you arrive after the 11:00.


The market is held every Thursday, from 08:00 to 18:00.


At the market you will really find everything. Objects, often repetitive. If you are fond of stalls, and you have a good eye, you can sniff out some good deals.
The most popular products, above all, by tourists, are handicrafts and ceramics. You can find well-made pieces at low prices.
In principle, prices are quite good. It is not impossible, however, to find the same products at lower prices in shops in the city.

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Map of the market

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