Seasickness. Guide, practical info and tips on how to fight nausea.

Summer is synonymous with holidays and, above all, with the sea. Arrive on an isolated island. Set out to discover bays and inlets, aboard suggestive boats; small, or large.
Let yourself be lulled by the waves during a romantic cruise.

Then, suddenly, your partner, or your traveling companion, begins to show signs of anxiety. The boat. The waves ….. seasickness.

Well yes. Sea sickness can be a real obstacle. Anxiety and fear take hold. Especially in the case of a bad experience.

You don’t die of seasickness!
So why give up a fascinating boat trip when there are natural remedies?

Everything really is on the net. Not having expertise in this regard, we will not give any advice on drugs and medicines. We will focus on some natural remedies, useful for fighting seasickness. Guided by our personal experience and advice from friends and relatives.



Feeding greatly affects the sense of nausea. Basic rule: avoid excesses. Do not travel, absolutely, on an empty stomach, or after a big binge.


Milk, coffee, juices and pressed. Absolutely avoid the orange and, in general, the citrus fruits, because they are too acidic.


Bread, crackers, breadsticks are excellent to mitigate the sense of nausea.

Bananas and anchovies are foods indicated for nausea. Sweet peppers, turnip greens and strawberries are also excellent allies.


Bread, crackers, breadsticks are excellent to mitigate the sense of nausea.

Bananas and anchovies are foods indicated for nausea. Sweet peppers, turnip greens and strawberries are also excellent allies.


Use some precautions when the sense of nausea and vomiting takes hold of you.

Do not go below deck. The further down you go, the more you will see obvious rolling and boat movements.
Stay outdoors in areas that are possibly more central than the boat.
Eating something dry (pretzels, bread) and lying down could help.
As soon as you feel the symptoms of nausea, try to quietly warn someone on the crew; they could give you valuable help and some tips.


Surfing the net, there are really many, the supporters of Coca Cola as a remedy for seasickness. Trying does not harm. My personal opinion is to avoid carbonated beverages.