Markets, the new Kanoa sections about best markets worldwide

Markets that passion.
It is appropriate to say this.

Often, when I wander around in a new destination, I like to go looking for some market.
I’m not talking about traditional Christmas markets, of which, however, I am not a huge fan.

I’m talking about those absolutely fantastic places, full of people, crowds and lots of confusion. Those places where vendors scream, trying to get our attention. Where you will find many products on rows of stalls; from fruits, vegetables, meats, cold cuts, cheeses. Fish and crustaceans sometimes are not lacking ….
An invitation to taste, which is impossible to refuse.

Markets worldwide

A riot of colors, scents and flavors.

I love the markets because, often, in them, we find the soul and the essence of the city. Whether they are small local markets, or the renowned city markets. Naples, Barcelona, ​​Split, Valencia …. A truly impressive list. Sometimes suggestive places, which recall ancient traditions and a story that has been handed down from generation to generation. Here, then, is the reason that prompted us to inaugurate a new section, entirely dedicated to the most important markets in the world.

Of each, lots of practical and useful information, with opening times and ways to reach the area. Without neglecting some small advice on the products to buy.

Permanent. Indoors. Outdoors. All places not to be missed during a vacation. Sometimes, housed in beautiful historic buildings that alone are worth the visit. Without forgetting, of course, the flea markets. The right opportunity to find a new home, and a new owner, for an object that is no longer welcome; or no longer used.

It starts with the splendid Mercat Central de Valencia, the last, in chronological order, to be visited by my friend Andy. An absolutely wonderful place.